La historia de Falun Dafa Cuando el Partido Comunista Chino lanzó la campaña de persecución contra Falun Dafa en 1999, el mundo fue, comprensiblemente, tomado... 02-08-2020 | NO CLASIFICADO
How I Learned to Stop Hating Falun Gong I was a Chinese Communist youth leader when I was in middle school. I was assigned to organize class screenings... 01-26-2020 | INFORMES DE INVESTIGACIóN
'Guards drew my blood:' Falun Gong practitioner recalls nightmare in Chinese detention By Daniel Cameron It’s hard to imagine this sweet lady was tortured, almost killed, at the hands of the very... 01-17-2020 | RELATOS PERSONALES
These 138 Chinese High-Ranking Officials Who Met Their Downfall All Share One Thing in Common When Chinese leader Xi Jinping took over as the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Nov. 2012, he... 02-11-2018 | NO CLASIFICADO